
Developing the Leader Within You

Developing the Leader Within You Genesis Chapter 40  Theme:  There are some real principles that apply to all of us concerning character, leadership, and attitude. Statement of Truth:             {see Genesis 36:21} God's people never go anywhere that God does not accompany them!  I. God develops leaders who accept the responsibility of accountability           a. I am responsible for who I am and what I do           b. I am responsible and accountable for my leadership II. God develops leaders who shape their circumstances rather than allowing their circumstances to shape them Statement of Truth: Circumstances may affect your life but circumstances do not have to shape your life  III. The choices that Joseph made influenced others:           a. He chose his attitude           b. He chose his response           c. He chose his decision

Lessons Learned In The Pit

Lessons Learned In The Pit  Genesis 39:20 Theme:  Let us understand something very significant today:  leadership never comes apart from preparation.  Statement of Truth: God's people never go anywhere that God does not accompany them!  I.  LEARN TO FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN DO AND NOT ON WHAT YOU CAN'T DO II.  LEARN TO FOCUS ON THE SPIRITUAL INSTEAD OF MATERIAL III.  LEARN TO FOCUS ON YOUR ATTITUDE AND NOT ON THE ATTITUDE OF THOSE AROUND YOU  

When Rejecting Temptation Leads to Rejection {PODCAST NOTES}

When Rejecting Temptation Leads to Rejection Genesis 39: 19-23 Theme:  It is only in the place of preparation that we become who we were meant to be! I. THE PLACE OF PROTECTION v19 II. THE PLACE OF PROMOTION  Chapter 41 III. THE PLACE OF PREPARATION Chapter 40 {On Your OWN} We have spent three weeks studying the sin Joseph resisted.  What was the key?  Simple, he fled.  He ran away and did what was right.    To resist temptation, Charles Swindoll in his book Joseph says you must have four things in mind.  These four lessons we should  learn from Joseph’s life: 1. We must not be weakened by our situation. 2. We must not be deceived by the persuasion. 3. We must not be gentle with our emotions. 4. We must not be confused with the immediate results. First, Joseph’s situation was safe.  He had what he needed and more than he could have imagined.   Yet, he would have eased up based on his circumstances.  He did not.   The request offered to Joseph was real and real tempting. 

Success in Singleness

Success in Singleness Genesis 39: 11-23 NIV Psalm 105:16-17:   16 He called down famine on the land and destroyed all their supplies of food;  17 and he sent a man before them-- Joseph, sold as a slave. I. Recognize the Rejection you face in your rejection of temptation Statement of Truth:  God does not need an ideal situation in which to work in your life  A. THE PLACE OF PROTECTION   B. THE PLACE OF PROMOTION C. THE PLACE OF PREPARATION

Temptation From The Soil of Success

Temptation From The Soil of Success Genesis 39: 6-20 Theme:  For the Follower of Jesus Christ to handle temptation with the mind of God!   Statement of Truth: It is from the fertile soils of success that temptation likes to grow I. REALIZE THE SUBTLE SETUP OF SATAN IN TEMPTATION   A. LOOK AT THE TEMPTATION v 6-7           • IT WAS UNEXPECTED           • IT COMES AND IT IS UNRELENTING           • IT WAS SECRETIVE           • IT WAS SUBTLE   B. LOOK AT THE REJECTION v 8-9           • THE CHARACTER OF JOSEPH            • THE PERSONAL CONVICTION OF JOSEPH   II. RECOGNIZE THE REJECTION YOU FACE IN YOUR REJECTION OF TEMPTATION 

Sold As A Slave

Sold as a Slave Genesis 39:1-6 I. There was a personal commitment in Joseph’s life to something greater than himself v 4           • Your attitude determines your approach to life           • Your attitude impacts your  relationship with others           • Often an attitude is the only thing between success and failure           • Your attitude at the starting line will impact the out come of the race more than anything else           • Your attitude can turn problems into possibilities           • Your Attitude can give to you an advantage in your perspective           • Your attitude is not automatically right because you came to church II. There was The Providential Blessing active in all Joseph did v2 III. Joseph possessed spiritual conviction V3 Life Lessons:           1. Joseph starts at the bottom and he's willing to work his way up           2. Joseph refuses to be mastered by the material           3. Joseph was not attached to his attainments   

When Dreams Become Nightmares

When Dreams Become Nightmares  Genesis 37 Theme:  For believers to trust God that even in the worst of nightmares God is right there providing His providential guidance.       I. When you are outside of God's will your dreams may become your nightmare.      II.    When you are in God’s will your nightmare may conceal God’s plan! Point to Ponder: What impresses us does not always impress God. Call to Action: Look back on dark and mysterious events in your life and learn to trace the hand of God where you once saw only the malice and cruelty of man!    On Your Own Read:  Song of Solomon 8:6 Jealousy is real and strong.   Solomon says it is a fire that blazes like a mighty flame.   If allowed to grow and fester Jealousy leads to some devastating consequences. 1. What are areas of your life in the past has jealousy damaged? 2. What are areas of your life now that are at risk? 3. Evaluate your heart.  At home, at work, or in your relationships do you find yourself battling th