
Showing posts from January, 2024

Major Truth from the Prophet: Obadiah

Major Truth from the Prophet: Obadiah   Obadiah I.     GOD DENOUNCES AN UNBROTHERLINESS   II.    GOD DENOUNCES THEIR APATHY III.   GOD DENOUNCES THEIR WICKEDNESS    Theme: God will reign judgment down  on the unrighteousness that He has denounced Statement of Truth: You cannot overpower the power of God Life Lessons: 1. Human defenses are useless against the power of God 2. Whenever you ridicule others you are filled with a mean spirit 3. Eternal justice will prevail 4. Pride goes before a fall 5. Gloating over one another’s misfortunes is criminal 6. Victory always belongs to the Lord

Major Truth wk 4: Major Truth from Amos

Major Truth from Amos Amos I.  The judgments given to the nations      Chapters 1-2 II. The sermons delivered to the nation    Chapters 3-6 III.  The visions of Amos              Chapters 7-9 1. The devouring locus 2. The fire that burns 3. The plum line 4. The basket of summer fruit 5. The vision of the Lord’s judging 6. The vision of future blessing A Call to Action: 1. Be Prepared    {Confrontation will come} 2. Show Courage   {Things will not be easy} 3. Give Compassion {People are in need}

Making a Difference

 Making a Difference  Starter’s Guide Shady Grove exists to develop Christ-centered people who make a difference.  God has created each of us with different abilities and passions, and he has placed specific opportunities before us to serve Him.  Whether in our homes, at our jobs, schools, church or wherever we are- God desires to use us to make an eternal difference in the lives of others.  This guide is designed to help and encourage you toward that end. Before you complete the following questions, stop and pray that God would lead you to people and opportunities where He wants you to make a difference.  Then, prayerfully work through each category below.  You will find some questions to prompt your thinking about how God might lead you to serve Him in ways or places you have never considered.  You may also find Him leading you to serve right here at Shady Grove.  If so, at the end of the guide you’ll find a link to a list of needs.  However He leads you, our prayer is that you would

Major Truth From the Prophet: Joel

Major Truth From the Prophet:  Joel The Book of Joel January 21, 2024 The Structure of Joel:      Section 1:  Time of Devastation in Chapter 1- 2:11      Section 2:  Time of Supplication in Chapter 2:12-17      Section 3:  Time of Restoration in Chapter 2:18- Chapter 3 5 Simple Truths to Learn: 1. Disasters serve to turn men to God 2. Judgment is coming 3. Great calamities call for nationwide prayer and repentance 4. God can restore what the locust ate 5. Sincere prayer brings the promise of Pentecost to us Call to Action: 1. Declare a Holy Fast 2. Repent and return to God 3. Get the word out 4. Call on the name of the Lord 5. Be prepared when judgment comes Your Personal Observations:

Major Truth From The Prophet Hosea {Part B}

Major Truth From The Prophet Hosea  {Part B} Hosea Theme: The hope we have is only found in revival among the people of God! 10 Applications from Hosea: • Number 1:  Forget the word of God and bring a curse on the children • Number 2: Stubbornness will bring a spiritual arrogance that forfeits God’s guidance • Number 3: Our loyalty is more important than burnt offerings • Number 4:  Wickedness withers and burns the God given passions in our soul • Number 5:  Whenever you sow to the wind you always reap the whirlwind • Number 6:  Chasing after prostituting idols produces within one spiritual infertility • Number 7: The time to seek the Lord is right now! • Number 8:  The roar of God produces the right fear of God • Number 9: Foes are never friends but only enemies in disguise to deceive • Number 10: God is right in every way and He does right every time