Making a Difference

 Making a Difference
 Starter’s Guide

Shady Grove exists to develop Christ-centered people who make a difference.  God has created each of us with different abilities and passions, and he has placed specific opportunities before us to serve Him.  Whether in our homes, at our jobs, schools, church or wherever we are- God desires to use us to make an eternal difference in the lives of others.  This guide is designed to help and encourage you toward that end.

Before you complete the following questions, stop and pray that God would lead you to people and opportunities where He wants you to make a difference.  Then, prayerfully work through each category below.  You will find some questions to prompt your thinking about how God might lead you to serve Him in ways or places you have never considered.  You may also find Him leading you to serve right here at Shady Grove.  If so, at the end of the guide you’ll find a link to a list of needs.  However He leads you, our prayer is that you would be available and faithful to serve Him as a Christ-centered person making a difference in the world for God’s glory.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Uniqueness

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10

Have you ever considered that God gave you the unique set of gifts, passions, and experiences you have for the very purpose of serving Him?  The following questions will help you think through how you might use your abilities, interests, style, and experience to make a difference for His glory.

Your Talents & Abilities                                                                                                                                List some of the things you do well.  It might help to think about things for which others have complimented you, or times when something has come easily for you.  Don’t overlook the small things.





How are you currently using these specific gifts to serve God by making a difference in the lives of others?  What could you do that you are not doing now?

Your Passions & Interests

We all have things we love to do.  These questions will help you think about how God may lead you to make a difference using the passions, He has given you.

List two or more things you are most passionate about or you truly enjoy doing.




How might you use these passions and interests to serve God?  Be creative.  Many things that seem to have no connection to the “ministry” can be used by God to make a difference for Him in the lives of others.

Your Style

Pick the phrase from each pair that better describes you:

I am more energized by doing tasks  or I am more energized by interacting with people

I like to be up front or  I like to be behind the scenes

I am more of a details person or I am more of a big-picture person

I take initiative or I wait for instructions

I prefer to be in large group settings or I prefer to be in small group settings

I like to do things as a team or I like to work alone

Your Experience 

 Some ways I have enjoyed serving in the past:

Some ways I have served in the past, but did not enjoy:

Step 2:  Evaluate the Opportunities

As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. – 1 Peter 4:10

In your spheres of influence God has placed you in areas with specific people.  These questions will help you think through how you could be serving in places where you already have influence.

What are the top three places where you spend the most time during a typical week?  How are you uniquely gifted to make a difference for Him in those places?  What could you do that you are not doing now?

Who are people you regularly have contact with during the week?  In what ways are you making a difference in their lives?  Are there one or two particular people you feel God leading you to reach out to or serve in a specific way?

Who are five people you know who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?  Are you praying for them?  Are there ways you can encourage them and serve them in the name of Jesus?

At Shady Grove

For some of you, God may be calling you to serve Him within our church body or through the church ministry partners.  There are a wide variety of service opportunities available and plenty of ways you can make a difference using your particular gifts, interests, and style.  To find out more about serving at Shady Grove contact the church office.

Step 3:  Make a Difference!

Based on my above answers, I believe God may be leading me to make a difference in the following area(s) and/or with the following people:


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