Major Truth From The Prophet Hosea {Part A}

Major Truth From The Prophet Hosea  {Part A}


Question:  What is  the difference between Major and Minor Prophets?

The Structure of Hosea

I. Chapters 1-3

        a.   The Illustration: The Prodigal Wife

II. Chapters 4-14

        a. The Application: The Prodigal People

The Condition of the Country

  • Hosea is speaking into the life of a culture that is financially prosperous, and spiritually bankrupt.

  • Hosea is speaking into the life of a busy culture who is found walking away

Statement of Truth:  Even when we walk away God loves us

Application number 1:  Forget the word of God and bring a curse on the children

Application number 2:   Stubbornness will  bring a spiritual arrogance that forfeits God’s guidance


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