Seder Celebration 2024

Seder Celebration 2024

March 27  at  6:00 PM

The Seder Passover meal is a remembrance and celebration of our Lord Jesus

Christ and His death, burial and resurrection. This evening will have moments of

somber reflection, enlightening insights, and joyous praise.

I want to first say thank you for the giving of yourself as a hostess for a table at

this feast. You are an intricate part of the evening and help set the atmosphere

for all gathering. As a hostess there are a few ways to help others at your table

enjoy the experience.

First, you will bring dishes, glasses (2 sets), silverware and a pitcher. Also, a

centerpiece to adorn your table is desired. We asked kindly that it would be such

that your guests can still converse and see one another as this is an important

part of the evening.

Tablecloths and napkins will be provided. If you have napkins that you would like with your place settings you may use those. You will also be given three candles and matches to be placed upon your table and will light them after I pray at the beginning of the meal and I light mine. You will also be given one white napkin and a dollar to hide during the meal. Also on your table will be a seder plate that will have different food items that you will serve to your guests as Steven teaches on them as well as a matzah tosh. He will give clear instructions in the meal when to serve these and you may also watch me for when I serve mine. I will always stand to serve.

During the meal as hostess you will be filling a cup of grape juice four separate times. For the comfort of those you are serving I would ask that you only fill it to a desire they like as the juice has to be completely gone before filling it again. 

The other glass will be used for tea or water with the meal. The serving of the meal is yet to be determined, but will be one of two ways. As a hostess you will fill the plates and bring them to the table or we will dismiss by tables and each one gets their plate. If you have small children at your table please help them to carry your plates. I will have a table with items children may have at your table and you may pick these up as you have children.

When the meal is over you may clean off your plates of any discarded food and pack back in the box you brought them in as well as your silverware, glasses and pitcher to be washed at your home. I ask that you not wash them at church as we have limited sink space and no commercial dishwasher.  Here is a list of all that is required from you as a hostess:

1.  dinner plates

2.  salad plates

3.  glasses

4.  sets of silverware

5.  centerpiece

6.  1 pitcher for grape juice

7.  A love giving atmosphere for your table

If you would like to host but do not have the place settings or centerpiece that is fine, just let me know so that a table can be decorated and set for you to serve.

If you have any other questions you may speak to me personally or call me. I do not respond well to facebook as I do not get on facebook daily. 

My number is 214-548-2251. Thank you again and I am excited to share this special time with you and celebrate our Savior in story and feast.

With Great Expectation,



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