
Showing posts from June, 2024

Dollars & Sense: Give it Generously

God’s Money:   Give It Generously     Proverbs 11:24-25 ; Malachi 3:6-10; 2 Corinthians 9:1-10 THEME: Generosity is not about getting something from you; it`s about getting something to you. God promises that your decision to give generously will be abundantly blessed. Not sure? Scripture gives us clear direction, abundant motivation, and even instructs us to test Him in this! Principles of Generosity Generosity Leads to Abundance {Proverbs 11:24-25} Key Words:   Scatters and Withholds Key Outcomes:   gains more & poverty   II.     Generosity Begins with Tithing   {Malachi 3:6-10} III.   Generous Giving test My Faith   {Malachi 3:6-10   Key verse: #8} IV.   Generous giving is a personal Decision   {2 Corinthians 9:1-9} V.   Generous Giving is abundantly blessed           {2 Corinthians 9:10-11} Statements of Truth: If you are in Christ you are not cursed. But there are consequences for disobeying!   Don’t test God unless He says test me.

Use Money Effectively

Dollars & Sen$e: Use Money Effectively    Luke 16:1-13 THEME: For the hearer to utilize money effectively Point To Ponder:   God wants you to be shrewd;   take it a step further God expects you to be shrewd. Five Principles To Use Money Effectively: 1.   Value what you have, don’t waste it. 2.         Plan for the future, Don’t rationalize it. 3.         Operate shrewdly, heaven rewards it. 4.         Start early, God blesses it. 5.         Fire a master, you cannot have two Definition: Shrewd means astute,  sharp and piercing.  Keen and rigorous in practical matters.  Statement of Truth: All you need to get where you are going is to utilize what you already have.  Questions to Consider: Do you truly value what you have? In what ways have your rationalized bad behavior? I’m later in life is it to late to start being shrewd?   No. If your breathing it is never too late. Do you have two masters?   Are you willing to do something about it?

Dollars & Sen$e : How Do We Earn God’s Money?

Dollars & Sen$e : How Do We Earn God’s Money? Proverbs 13:11 + 1 Thessalonians 2:9 + 1 Timothy 5:17   Theme: Honest, hard work for fair compensation assures that God will provide your needs.   Questions for Consideration:      ·      What does it mean to earn it honestly ?   Statement of Truth: God is incredibly interested in how you got what you got .   ·      What does it mean to work hard ? ·      What is fair compensation ?   THE RESULT:    Honest work assures God’s provision   LIFE LESSON: You cannot work too hard but you can work too much .

Dollars and Sen$e

Dollars and Sen$e:  Viewing God's Money Vertically  (Part 2)    Matthew 27:57-60 + 1 Corinthians 4:2 
 THEME: For the hearer to view money vertically for money is a test, a testimony and a tool.   Statement of Truth:  Our money is not our money.  It is God’s money entrusted to us.  Money is in our hands only for a short time and one day we will give an account!
 I.  Money is a Test Biblical Example:  Judas Money will test your: Loyalty Allegiance Heart   II.  Money is Testimony    Biblical Examples:  Mary &   Joseph of Arimathea Keynote:  Instead of Mary and Joseph using what they bought to benefit themselves they gave up personal desire to benefit the kingdom.   II.  Money is Tool    The Biblical idea is stewardship   ESV 1 Corinthians 4:2 Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.

God’s Money: View Money Vertically

God’s Money: View Money Vertically Matthew 26:14  Theme: For the hearer to understand that the thickness of your wallet is not an indication of your financial health.  Both poverty and prosperity could be sings of bondage.  We must view money vertically for it is a test, a testimony and a tool.   Revival Reality: Money Is A Test Life Lesson: Money is a test; it is what you do with it that matters Statement of Truth:  Almost everything that happens in our lives flows from how we view money Biblical illustration from a life of Judas John 12:3-6 Statement of Truth: Money is not our problem .  The problem lies in how we view money Five areas Money will test us: 1. Money is a test of your work ethic 2. Money is a test of your self - control 3. Money is a test of your integrity 4. Money is a test of your love for people 5. Money is a test of your love for God Questions to Consider: • How many people have spent their lives acquiring the things that they came to despise? • H