God’s Money: View Money Vertically

God’s Money: View Money Vertically
Matthew 26:14 

Theme: For the hearer to understand that the thickness of your wallet is not an indication of your financial health.  Both poverty and prosperity could be sings of bondage.  We must view money vertically for it is a test, a testimony and a tool.  

Revival Reality: Money Is A Test

Life Lesson:
Money is a test; it is what you do with it that matters

Statement of Truth: 
Almost everything that happens in our lives flows from how we view money

Biblical illustration from a life of Judas
John 12:3-6

Statement of Truth:
Money is not our problem.  The problem lies in how we view money

Five areas Money will test us:

1. Money is a test of your work ethic

2. Money is a test of your self-control

3. Money is a test of your integrity

4. Money is a test of your love for people

5. Money is a test of your love for God

Questions to Consider:

How many people have spent their lives acquiring the things that they came to despise?

How many people have awakened in despair because they realize they have lost what they really needed in order that they might gain what they thought they had to have?


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