Use Money Effectively

Dollars & Sen$e: Use Money Effectively  
Luke 16:1-13

THEME: For the hearer to utilize money effectively

Point To Ponder:  God wants you to be shrewd;  take it a step further God expects you to be shrewd.

Five Principles To Use Money Effectively:

1.   Value what you have, don’t waste it.

2.        Plan for the future, Don’t rationalize it.

3.        Operate shrewdly, heaven rewards it.

4.         Start early, God blesses it.

5.         Fire a master, you cannot have two

Shrewd means astute,  sharp and piercing.  Keen and rigorous in practical matters. 

Statement of Truth:
All you need to get where you are going is to utilize what you already have. 

Questions to Consider:

  1. Do you truly value what you have?

  2. In what ways have your rationalized bad behavior?

  3. I’m later in life is it to late to start being shrewd?  No. If your breathing it is never too late.

  4. Do you have two masters?  Are you willing to do something about it?


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