Dollars and Sense: Enjoy it Carefully

Dollars and Sense:  Enjoy it Carefully

1 Timothy 6: 17-21

Hear & Study the Word:


We often feel guilty about things that we do not need to feel guilty about.  That happens because we have a wrong view of God.  God is not leaning over us with a cast down spirit, wondering why we're happy.  today, we will learn that what he provides he provides for our enjoyment.  As we steward the things given to us, we must use it carefully always remembering where it came from, but we are free to enjoy it.

Point to Ponder:

Enjoy Money carefully or it will destroy you 


    • Command  v17
    • Present Age v17
    • Uncertainty v17
    • Hope in God v17
    • Enjoyment v17
    • Do Good v18
    • True life v18
    • Entrusted v 20

Point to Ponder:

God richly provides us with everything to enjoy

Do the Word:

1.   Passages for personal review:  Luke 16:19-31; Psalm 11:2; Colossians chapter 2 & 3; Psalm 42:1; Psalm 92:5

2.  What are some areas you feel guilty about that God wants you to enjoy freedom in?

3.  What are some possessions that you need to learn to enjoy carefully without guilt?

4.  In what ways are you trusting God in hope to richly provide for you?

5.  Is it easy for you to do good for others?  In what ways can you grow in your generosity?

6. Have you found true fulfillment in terms of life that is really life?


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