God’s Providential Rule

God’s Providential Rule 
Genesis 37

Theme:  it is my prayer that we as believers will learn to trust the providential role of God in our lives.

I. The Rejection of JOSEPH    {Joseph was rejected because}:

    1. His CHARACTER v2

    2. His POSITION  v3

Statements of Truth: 
        • A father's FAVORITISM can prove FATAL for the family

         The Bible doesn't always give us the information we want to know, but it gives us the                                     information we need to know

Life Lessons:

1. No enemy is more subtle than PASSIVITY

2. No response is more cruel than JEALOUSY

3. We have to deal with ATTITUDES as severely as we deal with ACTIONS

On Your OWN:

Study passages referred to today:  Acts 7:9; John 4:5;  Genesis 33:19

Throughout this study I hope that we will come to know that Joseph was a man of integrity and forgiveness.  As we are reminded of this truth, I pray it serves as inspiration to each of us in the declining culture in which we live.

Read Romans 15:4.

1. According to Paul, what are two basic reasons God has allowed us to have the scriptures for study and application?  

2. In what ways does God want you to persevere with hope?


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