When Dreams Become Nightmares

When Dreams Become Nightmares 
Genesis 37

Theme:  For believers to trust God that even in the worst of nightmares God is right there providing His providential guidance. 

    I. When you are outside of God's will your dreams may become your nightmare.

    II.    When you are in God’s will your nightmare may conceal God’s plan!

Point to Ponder:
What impresses us does not always impress God.

Call to Action:
Look back on dark and mysterious events in your life and learn to trace the hand of God where you once saw only the malice and cruelty of man!   

On Your Own

Read:  Song of Solomon 8:6

Jealousy is real and strong.   Solomon says it is a fire that blazes like a mighty flame.   If allowed to grow and fester Jealousy leads to some devastating consequences.

1. What are areas of your life in the past has jealousy damaged?

2. What are areas of your life now that are at risk?

3. Evaluate your heart.  At home, at work, or in your relationships do you find yourself battling the emotion of jealousy?   If so, what is your plan and response to deal with it?

4. Have you ever felt like you were ever abandoned?   Think about how you felt?  What did you do?  Where did you go, and to whom did you turn?  Read 2 Corinthians 4:8-9.   Take time this week to praise God for never abandoning you.


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