Sold As A Slave

Sold as a Slave
Genesis 39:1-6

I. There was a personal commitment in Joseph’s life to something greater than himself v 4

         Your attitude determines your approach to life

         Your attitude impacts your  relationship with others

         Often an attitude is the only thing between success and failure

         Your attitude at the starting line will impact the out come of the race more than anything else

         Your attitude can turn problems into possibilities

         Your Attitude can give to you an advantage in your perspective

         Your attitude is not automatically right because you came to church

II. There was The Providential Blessing active in all Joseph did v2

III. Joseph possessed spiritual conviction V3

Life Lessons:
        1. Joseph starts at the bottom and he's willing to work his way up

        2. Joseph refuses to be mastered by the material

        3. Joseph was not attached to his attainments

        4. Joseph had godly goals in his life


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