The Exchange

The Exchange
2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2

Our old perspective, person, purpose, and proclamation are Exchanged for a new one through Jesus.

I. The Exchanged Perspective (Vs 16)

A. An Exchanged Perspective on People.

B. An Exchanged Perspective on Christ.

Point to Ponder: A new attitude towards Jesus causes a new outlook on those whom Christ died for.

II. The Exchanged Person (Vs 17-19)

A. Having a relationship with Christ brings about our new identity.

B. Our disobedience and sin warranted an Identity Exchange that      Christ provides.

III. The Exchanged Purpose (Vs 20)

A. Everything we Do and Say Represent Jesus.

IV. The Exchanged Proclamation (Vs 20-6:2)

A.  As Ambassadors of Jesus, we need to proclaim the message of      the hope Jesus brings.


Reflect on how you currently view those you encounter daily. Does this view reflect Christ?
Find brief moments throughout your day to talk to Jesus and listen from Him.
Think of one activity in your life, currently, where you can represent Jesus.
Find unique ways to proclaim Jesus’ love and hope in your everyday encounters.


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