Major Truth From Habakkuk

Major Truth From Habakkuk

What does Habakkuk mean?  

I.  Two Questions Asked of Habakkuk  

        1. How long will God allow wickedness?

        2. Why does God use the wicked?

II.  Five Woes Given From the Lord

        1. Woe to those who lust for possessions

        2. Woe to those who receive evil gain

        3. Woe to him who sheds blood wickedly to build a city

        4. Woe to him who give drink to his neighbors

        5. Woe to those who engage in idol worship

III. Habakkuk’s Song

Life Lesson:
        1. Regardless of what the circumstances of life are:
                 We should choose to worship God.

        2. Regardless of what the circumstances of life are:
                We should choose to serve God.


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