
Showing posts from July, 2024

When Dreams Become Nightmares

When Dreams Become Nightmares  Genesis 37 Theme:  For believers to trust God that even in the worst of nightmares God is right there providing His providential guidance.       I. When you are outside of God's will your dreams may become your nightmare.      II.    When you are in God’s will your nightmare may conceal God’s plan! Point to Ponder: What impresses us does not always impress God. Call to Action: Look back on dark and mysterious events in your life and learn to trace the hand of God where you once saw only the malice and cruelty of man!    On Your Own Read:  Song of Solomon 8:6 Jealousy is real and strong.   Solomon says it is a fire that blazes like a mighty flame.   If allowed to grow and fester Jealousy leads to some devastating consequences. 1. What are areas of your life in the past has jealousy damaged? 2. What are areas of your life now that are at risk? 3. Evaluate your heart.  At home, at work, or in your relationships do you find yourself battling th

God’s Providential Rule

God’s Providential Rule  Genesis 37 Theme:  it is my prayer that we as believers will learn to trust the providential role of God in our lives. I. The Rejection of JOSEPH    { Joseph was rejected because}:      1. His CHARACTER v2      2. His POSITION   v3 Statements of Truth:          • A father's FAVORITISM can prove FATAL for the family           • The Bible doesn't always give us the information we want to know, but it gives us the                                              information we need to know Life Lessons: 1. No enemy is more subtle than PASSIVITY 2. No response is more cruel than JEALOUSY 3. We have to deal with ATTITUDES as severely as we deal with ACTIONS On Your OWN: Study passages referred to today:  Acts 7:9; John 4:5;  Genesis 33:19 Throughout this study I hope that we will come to know that Joseph was a man of integrity and forgiveness.  As we are reminded of this truth, I pray it serves as inspiration to each of us in the declining

Dollars and Sense: Enjoy it Carefully

Dollars and Sense:   Enjoy it Carefully 1 Timothy 6: 17-21 Hear & Study the Word: TODAY’S THEME: We often feel guilty about things that we do not need to feel guilty about.   That happens because we have a wrong view of God.   God is not leaning over us with a cast down spirit, wondering why we're happy.   today, we will learn that what he provides he provides for our enjoyment.   As we steward the things given to us, we must use it carefully always remembering where it came from, but we are free to enjoy it. Point to Ponder: Enjoy Money carefully or it will destroy you   KEYWORDS: Command   v17 Present Age v17 Uncertainty v17 Hope in God v17 Enjoyment v17 Do Good v18 True life v18 Entrusted v 20 Point to Ponder: God richly provides us with everything to enjoy Do the Word: 1.   Passages for personal review:   Luke 16:19-31; Psalm 11:2; Colossians chapter 2 & 3; Psalm 42:1; Psalm 92:5 2.   What are some areas you feel guilty about that God wants you to enjoy freedom in? 3.  

Dollars & Sense: Grow Money Faithfully

Dollars & Sense: Grow Money Faithfully Luke 19:11-26 &  Matthew 25:14-30 Theme:  Christ is coming again.  His delay does not indicate His neglect .   As the days turn into decades the lesson is to remain focused not neglecting the growth of our talents.  I.  Jesus Christ is a demanding boss to whom we must give an account • Jesus is the nobleman in the story • One day Jesus will return   [Notice a large gap of Time} • There will be a final accounting II.  Jesus Christ is a demanding boss who expects a return on his investment • The Nobleman gives to each one according to his ability Keynote:  Money is neither so important as to be the primary meaning of the text nor so trivial as to be excluded. Noteworthy Nugget of Study: The Mina and Talent equals the totality of what God has given you for His purposes.  A part of that is money.  This is a series about money, and I will apply it as such.   However, I know this:  The greater application is about way more than the m

An Encounter With Jesus

  An Encounter With Jesus John 4:1-38 I.  The Location.                   John 4:1-6 II.  The Conversation.      John 4:7-26 From the everyday   (v7-15) 
To the personal        (v16-18) 
To the eternal          (v19-26) III.  The Implication.      John 4:27-30 IV.  The Intuition.           John 4:31-38