When I Become My Own Worst Enemy

When I Become My Own Worst Enemy
Genesis 42

Question for Consideration:

We spend more time watching TV and Movies than we do reading the word of God, why are we surprised that we think like the world?

Point to Ponder: 
I become my own worst enemy when I leave God out of the equation

{On Your Own}

Study this week Genesis Chapter 3.  We find the word frightened or dismayed. That Hebrew word is first used in Genesis Chapter 3:10.

Study chapter 3 and look at Verses 8-10 specifically

Note:  Whenever fear is present in our lives something is causing it.  There is always a root of fear.   Our responsibility is to identify and pull the roots of fear.  We must cultivate the mind and heart that God gave us.  The encouragement from Scripture is to walk by faith not by sight, fear or our own ideas.

Examine your life this week and ask yourself:

1. In what areas of my life am I fearful?  

2. What is the root cause of my fear?  

3. With God’s help how can I cut the root of fear from growing deeper and stronger?

For we walk by faith, not by sight – 2 Corinthians 5:7


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